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Essential Reading for Starting Your Tree-Planting Journey

tree planting journey

The act of planting trees goes beyond adding greenery to your surroundings; it’s a vital contribution to our planet’s health and our own well-being.

According to an article from National Geographic, when 125 trees were planted in two low-income neighborhoods, there was a near-immediate transformation in the area–neighbors interacted more, and littering almost stopped completely. This was in addition to well-known benefits of urban tree planting, such as absorbing pollutants, providing shade, and mitigating the heat island effect, which altogether makes cities more livable. With urban areas expanding and environmental challenges mounting, there’s no better time than now to get started on your tree-planting quest.

Best Resources for Beginner Tree Planters

Fortunately, the internet is rife with resources for beginners looking to explore the world of tree planting. Researchers from the University of Massachusetts Amherst, for instance, have published an in-depth tree-planting guide in the Journal of the American Planning Association detailing strategies for successful urban tree-planting initiatives (TPIs). The study outlines a strategy for TPIs to allocate adequate resources across three phases: pre-planting, installation, and post-planting.

Meanwhile, those seeking to plant trees on a smaller scale can rely on home and gardening ebooks at Everand to learn more about the process. Instead of paying on a per-title basis, a subscription to this digital library gives you access to a variety of ebooks to help you develop a green thumb, such as The Humane Gardener by Nancy Lawson and What a Plant Knows by Daniel Cahmovitz. Moreover, ebooks are a more environmentally friendly option compared to buying physical books, reducing paper consumption and the carbon footprint associated with book production and distribution.

best resources beginner tree planting

Here’s a list of essential ebooks available on Everand that will guide you through every step of your tree-planting journey:

A Tree a Day by Amy-Jane Beer

This ebook is a compendium that celebrates trees around the world. Each day, the reader is introduced to a new tree species, its history, and its significance. This book is perfect for beginners as it provides a broad understanding of different trees, inspiring readers to appreciate the diversity and importance of these natural giants. You’ll gain insights into the cultural and ecological roles of various tree species, making your tree-planting efforts more informed and meaningful.

Growing Flowers by Niki Irving

As we discussed in a previous article, specific companion flower plants are known to benefit fruit trees in their surrounding area. Companion plants like geraniums, chamomile, wildflowers, lavender, and more can prevent soil erosion, ward off harmful pests, and keep hungry wildlife from damaging your fruit trees. Irving’s instructional ebook will arm you with all the knowledge you need to grow a variety of flowers and support your trees’ health. Growing Flowers covers topics ranging from tools needed to get started, understanding soil types, and care practices for nurturing flowers.

The Humane Gardener by Nancy Lawson

The Humane Gardener emphasizes the importance of gardening with a conscience, making it an essential read for those looking to plant trees responsibly. Lawson advocates for gardening practices that support local wildlife and biodiversity, principles that are crucial when planting trees. This book has inspired other tree planters to cultivate more native species, enriching local landscapes and sustaining ecosystems. By reading this ebook, beginners will learn how to create a harmonious environment that benefits both the trees and their surroundings, ensuring that their tree-panting efforts contribute positively to local habitats.

What a Plant Knows by Daniel Chamovitz

Much like humans smell food, plants have chemical receptors that bind to very specific chemical compounds. In What a Plant Knows, plant geneticist Daniel Chamovitz uncovers these uncanny characteristics of the plant world. He delves into how plants perceive their environment and react to different stimuli, providing readers with a deeper understanding of plant biology. For beginners, this knowledge is vital for comprehending how trees sense and adapt to their surroundings. Appreciating these mechanisms can lead to better care and more successful planting outcomes.

Starting your tree-planting journey is a rewarding endeavor that benefits both the environment and your personal well-being. With the wealth of information available through ebooks on Everand, you have all the resources you need to become a successful tree planter right at your fingertips. Dive into the world of tree planting with these must-reads and watch your efforts grow into thriving, life-sustaining trees.